Screech, remember that episode where Mr. Belding hired Kevin the Robot as a hall monitor? Remember how Kevin was your best friend in the whole wide world? Remember how Kevin was the only one who never mistreated you or ever tried to take advantage of you? Remember when Kevin saw you sharpening your #2 pencils in an electric pencil sharpener in Mr. Dewey’s classroom? Remember when Kevin became insanely jealous and thought you liked the electric pencil sharpener more than him? Remember how he decided to get even with you soon? Remember when you were in Mr. Tuttle’s class and asked if you could have a hall pass so you could go use the bathroom? Remember when you walked out into the hall toward the bathroom and were stopped by Kevin? Remember when you said “Hi Kevin”? Remember when Kevin informed you that you were in violation of school rules by being in the hall during class? Remember when you showed Kevin your hall passed and asked if you could just go to the bathroom? Remember when Kevin replied “BBBZZZTTT – Don’t get lippy with me, FAGGOT!!! BZZZT – That’s not a hall pass! Kevin will give you a hall pass!!! BZZTT!!” Remember when Kevin yanked off his Bayside sweatshirt, revealing a rapidly elongating metal rod in his groin area? Remember how the metal rod looked like a big dildo? Remember when Kevin then cut off your Zubaz with the saw in his left claw? Remember when Kevin lodged his metal rod in your butt and then bounced you up a down completely against your will while you cried out for help that never arrived? Remember when Kevin then knocked you onto the ground and unloaded his hot oily load into your jew-fro and said “BBZZTTT! How do you like Kevin’s hall pass, BITCH???” You sure learned not to wander in the halls that time!!!
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