Screech, remember the episode when this picture was taken? Remember how you talked Slater into jumping me in the locker room? Remember when you were going to pull down my pants and buttslam me against my will? Remember when you pulled down my pants and then I asked you to do me a favor and look and the mole on my right asscheeck to see if it was discolored because I was afraid it might be infected? Remember when you went in for a closer look and then I unleashed a diarrhea tsunami right in your face, covering your face with chunks of my shit? Remember when Slater started laughing and I high-fived him? Remember how my diarrhea irritated your eyes and you couldn't see anything? Remember when I booted you in the nuts and then tore off your Zubaz and buttraped you while Slater teabagged you? Remember when I finished you off with a donkey punch and then Slater and I got dressed and left you for dead in the locker room? That's what you get for trying to trick me, FAGGOT!!!
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