Screech, remember that episode where you asked Lisa to go to the Insect Rodeo with you? Remember when she laughed at you, called you a jewish faggot, and said she couldn't go with you because she was scheduled to have a hot orgy with Slater, Mr. Tuttle, and Zack's dad that she'd been planning for weeks? Remember when she said that Tuttle was doing her in the ass, Slater was doing her in the pussy, Zack's dad was mouth-fucking her, and Zack was going to be videotaping it? Remember how Lisa was the love of your life and you felt so heartbroken when you heard her plans? Remember when you started crying like the little pussy you are? Remember when Mr. Belding walked out of his office and said "hey, hey, hey, what is going on here?" Remember when you told him Lisa rejected you and he started laughing? Remember when you cried and begged him not to laugh at you and he said he was thinking of something funny that happened the day before? Remember when he said that he'd take you to the Insect Rodeo to change your mood? Remember how joyous you felt, as Belding was a father-figure to you? Remember when you showed up at the Insect Rodeo and felt so proud that Belding cared enough to take you? Remember when you walked past the ant farms and Belding asked if you liked ants? Remember when you said you didn't because they were small and ugly? Remember when Belding suddenly got an evil look on his face and you thought something was up? Remember when Belding pointed away and said "Screech, look of there, what's that?" Remember when you looked over and then Belding cold-cocked you, knocking you completely over? Remember when you were struggling to breath and Belding tore off your Zubaz? Remember when Belding picked up a huge glass case holding one of the ant farms and poured the sand and ants contained in it down your poop-chute? Remember when he had poured about a couple pounds of sand and several thousand ants in your ass, and that's about all that would fit up there? Remember when he said he needed them to stay in their new home and not escape from your ass? Remember when he took a fireplace poker from the fireplace that just happened to be located in the middle of the room where the Insect Rodeo was taking place? Remember when he pushed the sand and ants into your ass with the fireplace poker and then taped your asshole shut with duct tape? Remember when he then beat you over the head with the fireplace poker and took a smelly shit on your jew-fro? Remember when Belding picked you up and threw you out the window and you landed in the dumpster down below? You sure learned about ants that time!!!